We all need a strong foundation to build on.

The process of branding is all about gaining clarity and transforming the way you express who you are, what you do and why it matters.

A powerful brand identity will elevate your services and build connection and trust in your services.

This is a creative process, so how we work adapts and evolves depending on the needs of each client and project, but it begins with conversations.

This is why we place emphasis on the brand discovery phase of any project because in order to solve any problem, we must come to understand it first. Fostering a conversation about why you do what you do, offers us the opportunity to listen deeply to your vision & goals for your practice, and will ultimately help inspire unique strategic solutions for your brand.

Brand Strategy

Branding begins with strategy, not design. This means conducting initial research with key stakeholders to uncover both your core values as an individual or organisation, and the values of your patient or client demographic, your referral networks & your competitors. Once we have a deeper understanding of your values & positioning, we will then begin to explore how this can be expressed through design & messaging. 

This includes:

  • Brand discovery questionnaire

  • Brand discovery workshop with all stakeholders

  • Understanding your Patient base / Audience

  • Brand strategy & positioning

  • Brand naming

  • Domain & social strategy

  • Custom mood board designs

Brand Identity Design

Your brand identity is the creative expression of you and your services. We take all that we've learnt throughout the discovery phase & position your practice through words, tone of voice, colour, fonts, photography, illustration… not just a logo. Once you have developed a strong brand identity for your practice, you will have a set of rules (or visual language) in the form of a Brand Style Guide which will make it easy to implement a consistent look and feel across web, marketing & communications. 

This includes:

  • Logo design

  • Signature brand patterns or textures

  • Custom illustrations/icons

  • Colour palette & font system

  • Brand Style Guide

  • Brand assets including unique service icons, illustrations & custom patterns

Brand Collateral Design

How your brand is expressed across your print and digital collateral is key to building trust and authority with your audience. Your brand identity will be rolled out across your collateral to complement and reinforce the existing reputation of your brand. We’ll work with you to design a selection of stationery & collateral items that you’ll need day-to-day in your practice. 

This may include:

  • A fully responsive, search engine optimised website

  • Print collateral including business cards & stationery items such as letterhead, referral pads, patient registration forms, patient handouts, treatment brochure design

  • Social media templates & graphics (cover images, banner images, post templates)

  • Practice signage & way-finding solutions for your practice rooms


We’d love to hear about the paths you’ve taken that lead you here, into Private Practice.

There’s a good story there, we’re sure of it.